Nishadya – The Marketing Club
Mission Statement
To prepare participants for meaningful careers in the field of marketing, by providing academic and networking assistance through interactive learning sessions hosted by experts, practitioners, and professionals.
Nishadya started its activities in April 2015. It has envisioned as a facilitator for building a strategic link between industry and the participants. As a club, it attracts some of the brightest minds interested in exploring the ever-changing dynamics of marketing.

Arthaysa – The Finance Club
Mission Statement
Arthasya – The Finance Club believes that finance as a domain is about evolution and inclusion. The objective of the club is to inculcate the participants about modern-day financial tools, fintech, and the position of financial institutions. The club aspires to evolve a constructive culture in the future rural managers and enable them with tools to apply the theoretical concepts they have learnt in classrooms.
Arthasya is the official finance club of IRMA which was initiated with the mission to sensitise the participants at IRMA with the financial know-how. Evolving Rural Managers must be equipped with the tools to minimise uncertainties. Arthasya tries to take this into account by facilitating learning experiences through industry talks, treasure hunts, market simulations and case competitions. It gives the students a platform to learn from the experience of others which results in facilitating a process of acquiring knowledge and wisdom.
We at Arthasya believe that- “Finance is not just about money or numbers but it is a way of life.”

IRMA – Development Consultancy Club
Mission Statement
Work for IRMAns having an intention to pursue career in development consultancy or are interested in higher studies – MPP, MPA and PhD in Public Policy/Applied Economics
IDCC grooms the development, public policy, and social impact consultants of tomorrow by training them in state-of-the-art data analytics and research methodologies. It also guides students who wish to pursue further studies in the fields of public policy, applied economics, and more.

Mission Statement
Identifying and nurturing entrepreneurs for Rural India. The mission of iSEC is to provide a distinct framework at the institutional level to nurture new ideas and provide adequate support for holistic development among the participants.
As a leading institute in rural management in India, IRMA bears the brunt of promoting the startups coming finding their roots in the development/ social sector. Keeping this in mind, the Social Entrepreneurship Club of IRMA was established 9 years ago by participants of a PRM 33 with a motive to provide a congenial environment for the budding entrepreneurs with an inclination towards any social cause.
iSEC was established as a student body of iSEED, the Incubator for social enterprises at IRMA and worked consistently to deliver it’s mandates. By organising talks with alumni who ventured into social entrepreneurship and giving the participants a taste of idea pitching, iSEC mentors the startup enthusiasts among the different batches. iSEC in association with iSEED plans various activities that caters to idea validation, social startup incubation and mentoring students on their ideation. The team believes in the power of thought and innovation, and facilitates the participants at IRMA to convert their ideas into potential business ventures. iSEC is motivated by the legacy left behind by the eminent founder of the institute, Dr. Verghese Kurien, an entrepreneur who changed the face of milk industry in India and wishes to inculcate the same within the students.

Pravartana – The Operation Club
Mission Statement
To develop and imbibe the understanding in students to meet the ends in the field of operations management.
Pravartana was set up in February, 2019 by a small group of PRM-39 participants. The word ‘Pravartana’ is a Sanskrit word which means come to operation. The objective is to understand the connection between Operations Management and Rural Management as well as to develop the interest of students in different fields of operation. Our aim is to bridge the gap between the classroom sessions and practical understanding of Operations. The activities we conduct are case competitions, simulation games, quizzes, guest lectures by alumni as well as corporate experts and sharing of articles/latest news on supply-chain practices and operations.

Mission Statement
The Agribusiness Club aims at solving modern-day challenges in agribusiness sector through a collaborative approach, keeping in mind the challenges faced by farmers. The club is a platform for participants of all academic backgrounds to learn more about the problems in the corporate sector and develop skills to tackle the same.
Krishinova originated from a portmanteau “Agrinova,†meaning agricultural innovation. FAO defines Agricultural Innovation as, “The process whereby individuals or organizations bring new or existing products, processes or ways of organization into use for the first time in a specific context in order to increase effectiveness, competitiveness, resilience to shocks or environmental sustainability and thereby contribute to food security and nutrition, economic development or sustainable natural resource management.†it plans to substantiate the vision by collaborating with industry leaders for interactive sessions and a peak into the real world of agribusiness. It also plans to publish a semi-yearly magazine and a weekly wrap-up, apart from workshops and exhibitions

Mission Statement
Providing high quality and feedback-focused activities which will prepare, improve and enhance the potential of fellow IRMANs to excel in the Summer Internship Segments (SIS) and Final Placements.
As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy itâ€. This is necessary in B-Schools during SIS and Placements. The Club has been focussing on the end goal of making students placement ready through Mock GDs, Interviews and Expert Sessions.

Mission Statement
To organize intra and inter university quizzes at IRMA pertaining to all the necessary domains like Business,Sports and Entertainment,General quizzes etc.
Jigyasa is a core club of IRMA responsible for conduction of quiz events with the objective to provide students an opportunity to test their knowledge in all domains and help them in enlightening their minds with the day to day affairs around the world.

Jaivik – The Organic Farming Club
Mission Statement
To raise student awareness in the area of sustainable agriculture while encouraging the application of management techniques to gain insights into the intricacies of the organic farming business.
Jaivik provides a great platform for participants to implement real-world situation theories learnt in the classroom. The aim is to inculcate the roots of farming and develop business ideas to increase the income of farmers and enhance the health standard of society. Apart from being a good team-building exercise, it stimulates multi-tasking abilities, leadership skills, and responsible behavior. Participants also get to practice optimization in the face of limited resources while learning about environmental conservation. Through the Club, participants can gain hands-on experience engaging as farmers overseeing a small plot of half acre land. They cultivate their produce without the aid of pesticides or fertilizers. Through this, participants get an insight into the challenges and constraints of farmers who are involved in Organic Farming. Other than the practical exposure to farming, Club members learn key management skills like marketing, planning, scheduling, and working within a cooperative framework.

Reflexion – The Photography Club
Mission Statement
Reflexion intends to bring the lively moments (Not limited to the College!) and many more in the most picturesque manner so that wherever we all are, these memories linger on independent of time, keeping the essence intact.
Reflexion, the photography club, captures the very essence of humanity in IRMA. Started by PRM34 and resurrected by PRM 40, Reflexion is a platform for photography enthusiasts of IRMA who have a penchant for photography, want to hone their skills, and showcase it to the world. We believe that every moment of the college holds something special, and there is always something interesting going on. From the early morning with the sun shining over chimes to the lovely sunset behind O-Block; from half-opened eyes barely making it to class to the energetic discussions at night in front of the mess; hectic weekdays to fun-filled late Grill nights (just regular days) and then there are festivals, Prom night and innumerable eventful days.

i-Spirit – Mindfullness Activity Peace
Mission Statement
To foster the IRMAn spirit among the participants through Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness.
The i-Spirit club believes that Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness is highly instrumental in achieving the objective of self-development. The stress that is faced by the youth is immense in this age and to deal with it, they are occupied in various pursuits that are counter-productive in nature. Their energies can be channelized in a better manner with the help of Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness which will not only ensure their wellbeing but also provide a higher purpose in life. The club, in its entirety, aims to help the participants develop themselves into the individuals who will go out in the world and exhibit the IRMAn spirit in their life by working towards the betterment of the masses.

Mission Statement
To provide all the music lovers unlimited access to gathering and learning from each other, showcasing the musician inside and imbibing the spirit of IRMA through the means of music.
“Without music, life would be a mistake”,said Friedrich Nietzsche.
Art, of any kind is like a fire burning inside each one of us, just waiting to light up candles for a clearer vision of life! Music is an intangible art form that rekindles buried emotions within each one of us. It makes our lives more beautiful and aesthetic. We bring to you Melomaniacs – The high to your blues, the club that aspires to bring under one umbrella, the diverse voices and instruments, styles and cultures, so that we can learn from one another through the art of music. Our values are rooted in the belief that there is melody in everything, from the chirping of birds to the pitter patter of raindrops and the art of synchronizing this is the art of creating music. At Melomaniacs, we invite every IRMAN/Non-IRMAN to come together and let the art of synchronization flow freely.

Laasya- The Nritiyashala of IRMA
Mission Statement
To proliferate the culture of dance in the lives of IRMA students and its community to harbor an inclusive environment and further make it a sustainable venture.
At Laasya everyone is welcome with open arms. You being a dancer or a non-dancer, a faculty, from the community or a student does not change anything in this platform. We meet with only one purpose- that is to dance to reconnect to oneself. One does not
have to be a dancer to feel the joy of swaying and losing oneself to the rhythms of music, one just needs to connect his/her soul with every beat that resonates. That is the core idea behind Laasya. A platform which helps you reconnect with yourself and express your emotions gracefully. Our weekdays and weekend workshops tend to be a fun stress reliever.

INAM – IRMA Natya Manch
Mission Statement
- To become a platform for theatre artists among participants and those, who wish to learn dramatic arts to learn and exercise the skill of drama, to equip them in dramatic arts for stage and for life.
- To create and promote performances that explore the true potential of different forms of dramatics arts and give the participant an opportunity to experience the power of theatrical expressions.
- To enable participants to explore the hidden talent of dramatic arts and make them realize how skills of dramatic arts can change their lives.
- Provide participants with the opportunity and training to develop the ability to express themselves by performing in productions as well as assisting with other production aspects, including design, set building, costuming, sound, promotions, and composition.
- To organize dramatics related events such as competitions, workshops, performances, script reading sessions, etc. that promote the culture of dramatic arts in members of IRMA family.
- Producing and facilitating productions related to dramatics.