PhD, Mumbai University
Production Operations Management & QT
Rural Infrastructure Economics, Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, Prioritization using AHP
(O) 221607
Received Ph.D. Degree in Economics from the University of Mumbai in August, 2004
Area of Specialization: Transportation Economics
Dissertation Title: Pricing, Cost Recovery and Production Efficiency in the Indian Railways
Dissertation Guide: Professor S.Sriraman, Walchand Hirachand Professor of Transportation Economics, Department of Economics, University of Mumbai
Post-Doctoral Study:
Venue: University of Pretoria, South Africa
Period: September 2008- August 2009
Topic: Understanding Rural Travel Behaviour Using Stated Choice Modelling
Facilitator: Prof. Christo Venter, University of Pretoria
Brief Outline of Work: This study was an attempt to model rural travel, a hitherto under researched area. The rural area of Kgautswane in South Africa was taken as study area and by means of techniques like Participatory Rural Appraisals, the drivers of travel behaviour were determined. Finally rural travel was modeled using stated choice modeling approach and interesting insights were obtained regarding the same. The plan hereon is to continue the study in rural India and widen the scope of the project by including captivity in rural travel, attribute cutoffs, etc.