Farming Futures: Emerging Social Enterprises in India: A unique collection of 15 contemporary case studies documenting in detail social enterprises in agriculture, edited by Ajit Kanitkar and C. Shambu Prasad, showcases the emergence of an entrepreneurial route to solve India's deep-rooted agrarian crisis. The case studies chart the exciting journeys and tribulations in matching purpose and profit, often with a deep concern for the planet's future.
Thinking Through Social Innovation And Social Entrepreneurship In India: A research paper by Prof. Shambu Prasad.
Research paper on "Embedding Diversity in Social Entrepreneurial Research: India’s Learning Laboratories" by Prof. Shambu Prasad.
A research paper on "Innovating at the margins: the System of Rice Intensification in India and transformative social innovation" by Prof. Shambu Prasad.
Growing Entrepreneurially: A compendium of 18 entrepreneurial journeys from Gujarat and Rajasthan.
A collaborative study on eight agricultural value chains in the tribal district of Chhota Udaipur, Gujarat was conducted by Prof. M V Durga Prasad in collaboration with the Shroffs Foundation Trust. Study report