1. Title of the Practice: IRMA Induction Field Work
2. Objective of the Practice: The familiarise the incoming IRMA students to the rural context, functioning of dairy cooperatives and focus of IRMA as rural management institutions.
3. The Context: The induction field work requires extensive coordination from the dairy cooperative from the state of Gujarat. In absence of any support from these cooperatives, the practice may not effective. Besides this, the support from the community in the selected villages are also vital for the success of the fieldwork.
4. The Practice: During the induction week at IRMA, the incoming students are taken to village cooperative across different districts of Gujarat. The student spends 3 days in these cooperative and understand the rural life and function of cooperative. During this period, students also understand the socio-economic challenges in rural areas and get exposed different rural institutions.
5. Evidence of Success: The success of induction program is that IRMA has been able to send students to same cooperatives for last many years without any major disruptions. The cooperation from village communities itself speaks about the credible reputation of IRMA.
6. Problem encountered and Resources Required: the students include both boys and girls. Sometime the safety of girls needs to be taken care of. Some of the accommodation facilities provided to students may not have toilet facilities. It become a challenge for students to cope with such a situation. The resources required a financial – there are travel cost involved in taking students to villages, faculty and staff engagement in the process, and goodwill from cooperatives.
1. IRMA has re-designed the admission process through a ‘profile-based’ shortlisting process. Through the profile-based short-listing, candidate with certain specific educational background and work-experience would be given first preference compared to other. This is done keeping in mind that mission of IRMA to contribute towards rural upliftment. It is expected that such profile-based approach would be helpful in attracting students those are more inclined towards the mission of IRMA.
2. IRMA has encouraged students to document rural lifestyle during their internship in villages of India. The rural setting can be documented through vignettes, videos and picture stories. IRMA would include the selected contributions from students in the Grameen Gyan Kosh – a knowledge repository for rural India.
1. IRMA has re-designed the admission process through a ‘profile-based’ shortlisting process. Through the profile-based short-listing, candidate with certain specific educational background and work-experience would be given first preference compared to other. This is done keeping in mind that mission of IRMA to contribute towards rural upliftment. It is expected that such profile-based approach would be helpful in attracting students those are more inclined towards the mission of IRMA.
2. IRMA has encouraged students to document rural lifestyle during their internship in villages of India. The rural setting can be documented through vignettes, videos and picture stories. IRMA would include the selected contributions from students in the Grameen Gyan Kosh – a knowledge repository for rural India.