Invitation for Expression of Interests
Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods of Institute of Rural Management Anand (CSL-IRMA) entered into an agreement with the NHPC to work on promoting collective enterprises for livelihood augmentation in Dhemaji and Lakhimpur district of Assam. This project envisages active participation of NHPC, partner organizations, and communities. The project also envisages identifying sector based value chains, climate resilient livelihood opportunities by creating productive assets to be owned by the communities. While NHPC has plans to support the project based interventions to be jointly planned with CSL-IRMA, it would be the endeavour of the project team to encourage government agencies and local communities to contribute keeping in view the convergence of various sector specific development schemes. The project further envisages that interventions would be time bound and agents would withdraw. Withdrawal strategy involves training and capacity building of collective enterprises promoted, and linking these enterprises to sustainable supply chains.
In order to pursue these objectives CSL-IRMA on behalf of NHPC invites eligible and qualified entities to submit their expression of interests for rendering their services in the following areas:
Value Chain and Clustering Network Partner :- Broad deliverables include: a) mapping value chains across various sectors, b) preparation of clusters and act as cluster development, c) work closely with CSL-IRMA, NHPC and local communities for setting up collective enterprises with a suitable withdrawal strategies, and d) Liaison with identified network partners for implementation.
For details please click here
Network Partners :- Broad deliverables include working closely with CSL-IRMA, NHPC, Value Chain and Clustering Network Partner, and local communities for setting up collective enterprises as per the value chain maps developed with a suitable withdrawal strategies.
For details please click here