De, Indranil (2023) Women’s Farm Employment, Decision-making and Sources of Irrigation: Insights from Uttar Pradesh.
Economic and Political Weekly. Vol 58. No.3
De, Indranil, Rooba Hasan & Mubashshir Iqbal (2022). Natural Treatment Systems and Importance of Social Cost Benefit Analysis in Developing Countries: A Critical Review.
Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 14(7), 3913.
De, Indranil, Soumyadip Chattopadhyay, Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, Prabhat Mishra, Akhilesh Parey and Subhashish Dutta. (2022). Structural and Institutional Arrangements Impacting Collective Actions in WUAs of West Bengal, India.
International Journal of Water Resources Development. Print ISSN: 0790-0627 Online ISSN: 1360-0648
De, Indranil (2020). Sanitation and User Charges in Indian Slums - Who Pays and How Does It Matter?
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 55, No. 5
De, Indranil. (2018). Determinants of rural sanitation in India and implications for public policy.
Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, IWA Publishing, ISSN 2043-9083, EISSN 2408-9362, Vol.8. No.4
De, Indranil and Tirthankar Nag. (2016). Dangers of Decentralisation in Urban Slums: A Comparative Study of Water Supply and Drainage Service Delivery in Kolkata, India.
Development Policy Review. Wiley Publishing, Print ISSN: 0950-6764, Online ISSN: 1467-7679, Vol. 34, No. 2
De, Indranil and Tirthankar Nag. (2016). Local Self-governance, Ethnic Division in Slums and Preference for Water Supply Institutions in Kolkata, India.
Water Policy. ISSN: 1366-7017, IWA Publishing, Vol.18. No.2
De, Indranil. (2009). Can Decentralisation Improve Rural Water Supply Services?
Economic and Political Weekly, ISSN: 0012-9976, Vol. XLIV, No.1
De. Indranil. (2009). Decentralisation on Access to Rural Water Supply Services: A Study of Six Villages in West Bengal, India.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, ISSN: 1018-5291, Vol.XIX, Number 1
De, Indranil. (2004). Investment Opportunities in Major and Medium Irrigation in India, an Analysis Considering Unutilised Potential, Efficiency and Cost.
Indian Journal of Economics, ISSN: 0019-5170, Vol. LXXXV, No 336