The IRMA Doctoral Colloquium is an avenue for doctoral students of IRMA and other institutes to present and discuss their research ideas, proposal, review of literature and empirical work. The doctoral colloquium is expected to be a platform for generation and exchange of ideas related to the broad areas of rural management, development, functional areas of management, strategy, general management, economics and public policy. The colloquium is open to scholars who intend to test their research ideas and work in progress by way of discussion with faculties, experts and other research scholars.
The objective of the IRMA doctoral colloquium is to provide a space and create an environment for free exchange of ideas and initiate discussion on issues related to management and development research within the academic community at IRMA. The forum is expected to provide opportunity to the doctoral students to present their nascent research ideas and obtain valuable inputs from the discussions. The colloquium will also provide the doctoral students an idea of the state-of-the-art developments in their research areas through interactions with practitioners as well as researchers, from both inside and outside IRMA.
The presentation is expected to be on a theme relevant to any area of management and development. An abstract of the presentation would be put up on the FPRM notice board and the website a few days in advance. Normally the presenter will present for about 40 minutes, which will be followed by 20 minutes of discussion.
The venue of the colloquium will be the ETDC Lecture Hall, IRMA. Time will be announced with notice.
Any doctoral student interested is welcome.