
Main Themes

The conference tracks seek to address one or many of the following themes/questions.

The themes are indicative and not exhaustive. Authors can use the theme “other” to submit abstracts that do not fit into the bellow-mentioned themes.


Framing agroecological transitions
  1. What are the principal constraints to just agroecological transitions? How can they be addressed?
  2. How has agroecology been understood by actors in Indian agriculture and what are the dynamic of the politics of knowledge and research around it?
  1. How have the frames of sustainability transitions featured in existing research on agroecology?
  2. Do existing theories of ‘sustainability transition’ apply in the Indian agricultural context?
  3. What adaptations would be required to decolonize or make them more relevant?


  1. What has been the nature of engagements (or their absence) between academia, CSOs and the State (federal and state) for sustainability transitions in agriculture?
  2. Do efforts replicate the Green Revolution model of top-down ‘expert’ driven extension or there is evidence of grassroots approaches?


  1. What are the pitfalls and power dynamics of scaling agroecology?
  2. How do the initiatives work around the intersectionality of caste, class, and gender dynamics?
  3. How included are agricultural labour, tenant farmers, women farmers, Adivasis, and other groups in rural society in the alternatives?
  4. Are best practices in sustainable agriculture sufficiently represented and documented?


  1. What is the state of assessment of the true costs of industrial style green revolution agriculture (externalities of environmental pollution; exploitative labour; compromised health and biodiversity)?
  2. How can the value of alternatives be assessed? What is the state of mechanisms such as payment for ecological services?
  1. How have ongoing social movements responded to the crisis in Indian agriculture?
  2. Do agroecological transitions, and the organizing principles of diversity, resilience and adaptation figure in the alternative imaginations presented by these social movements?


  1. How have existing agricultural markets shaped the crisis and how to create alternate marketing mechanisms?
  2. What role can policy instruments play in setting in motion sustainable transitions in agriculture?
  3. How can markets and consumer preferences be transformed to revalue diverse, nutritious, locally produced foods?
  4. What role might urban populations, infrastructure and geographies play in enabling sustainability transitions?
  1. What are the institutional changes required for sustainable transitions in agriculture?
  2. How should curriculum, pedagogy and research paradigms of existing universities, both agricultural and beyond, be reworked to foster such transitions?