Paper - Those wishing to make a presentation at the Biennial Conference are requested to send a copy of their paper or the following necessary information as early as possible.
The information should contain:
1. The name(s) of the author(s)
2. A 1000-word extended abstract of a previously unpublished paper or the full paper if available (the abstract must include briefs on: motivation, literature gap, research question, methods, data, analysis, and outcome. It must include a 100-word abstract. If the full results are not available, it must mention expected outcome.)
3. Affiliation of all the author(s)
4. Contact addresses: e-mail, telephone and postal
5. The presenter’s areas of specialization and a statement of interest in discussing the papers of other presenters.
If you are proposing an entire session (consisting of three or four papers), you need to submit the session theme (with 300 words brief on the session) with the proposed papers in the above-mentioned format.
Deadline for Extended Abstract/Paper Submission: 15 March 2025
ALL the required information should be submitted through the online submission system (ConfTool) only. Please click on the following URL to submit an abstract (and for registration later on).
Tentative Acceptance/Rejection Decision Date: 31 March 2025
Note: The evaluation of the papers will happen as and when it is received. For planning well in advance, we encourage the author(s) to submit their papers as early as possible. Once the acceptance decision has been made, the selected authors (both India and non-India based) would be required to pay their full registration fees before the papers could be included in the program. The exact addresses for sending payments will be announced later.
Upon acceptance of a paper, it is desirable that at least one co-author of the paper should become a member of the AIEFS. Membership details are available on the website. A member gets an opportunity to submit to the Annual Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) conference ( for the following year, without any submission fee.