
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Rural Management)

Arthasya - The Finance Club

“Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip.”

Arthasya is a Sanskrit word which among many other meanings, can be translated to "wealth". Wealth is not always in terms of money. Wealth is also knowledge. This wealth can only be accumulated with a desire to learn, and that is exactly what the club aims to foster among the participants. The aim is to give them exposure to real-life problems, think dynamically through our managerial career and prepare them for their career ahead.

Arthasya - The Finance Club believes that finance as a discipline is about evolution and inclusion. The objective of the club is to educate the participants about modern day finance, fintech and the role of financial institutions. The club aims to develop a constructive culture in the future rural managers and enable them with tools to apply the theoretical concepts they have learnt in classrooms. 

As rural managers, we must be armed with the tools to minimise uncertainties. Arthasya tries to take this into account by facilitating learning through academicians, researchers, industry practitioners and students. It gives us a platform to learn from the experience of others and ends up facilitating a process of gaining knowledge and wisdom.

Guided by these philosophies and quest for knowledge, the club organises various events to facilitate learning for students in the domain of finance and economics. The club also collaborates with industry giants for interactive sessions and competitions to help participants keep abreast with trending skills and problems in the world of finance.

Email: arthasya_financeclubirma@irma.ac.in

Committee Members

  1. Diksha Jain (Event Coordinator)
  2. Lavina Kanjani (Industrial Relations Coordinator)
  3. Kanupriya Sheopuri  (Media and Internal Communications Coordinator)
  4. Sakshi Deokar (Logistics Coordinator)